... it seems appropriate that i've been painting and stitching and playing with a single image over and over again to see how many things it can be. maybe i will use them all in one piece. as the end of the year approaches i face many changes. the most major change is that ...(NEWS FLASH!!!)...i am no longer a commuter... not actually retired but planning to be self employed ... wow! i feel like i am dreaming. i am thinking about how dreams are often layered, how the same thought seems to be processed many different ways and compounded into some strange visual soup. this can happen with dream faces. often as i remember faces in a dream, they are many faces in one that can be peeled away one by one as i remember the dream story. the character keeps changing. and so i wonder who will i be this coming year? i cut my hair just to start the ball rolling...one of many year end ceremonies planned for 2008.