.....i have been thinking a lot about coma in terms of perception from both sides. the lack of normal reference points and the unfamiliar landscape that results. and i am still assuming that the basic structure remains but that part of it gets covered up or temporarily lost... shifting patterns normally recognized and confusing the mind. and i am thinking that this can also be a creative process. breaking old habits and seeing things differently can often be a fresh start. i am interested in translating this to my way of creating a cloth. this project is moving very slowly... because building by undoing takes more time. fortunately , i don't have a time limit on this one. i have decided it is a gift...for me.
the nine patch is still a focus because it is so familiar to me as a starting point. and i have been playing with it. tearing it apart and putting it back together. and yesterday i went back to that woven pattern (another familiar place) as my guide and became curious about new patterns that might be created by hiding part of it. this is really a what if (#137) but i have changed the pattern of handling those too. i am basically shifting all my focus to this blog. i will post my finished what ifs as tutorials ...to the other blog... as a record (for me and maybe you).... but i will be be working here from now on. the reasons for this are many but in a nut shell, i am simplifying by focusing on technique as a learning process while i am working on current projects. i will create a what if category. which brings me to my big question today. what if a body of work can be created through the planning of another?