spring cleaning is always enlightening. the desire to organize always brings me back to a lifetime of things stored and folded and put away. sometimes pieces of our lives lie in these folds and today i am discovering a piece of myself again. i bought (well too cheap really, i should say stole) some old handwoven and well used household linens when i was in turkey years ago. rags metsky called them and why would i want them he asked. but i was very much interested in weaving at the time and i loved the texture of these which were woven with an inlay technique, an example here....and here.
fabrics hold so many stories and so much inspiration....and i am really remembering how much i like the edge details. of course i am thinking that these inlays can also be placed into already woven fabric
....i worked up a quick sample. what i like is the integration directly into the cloth which retains the drape and the potential for picture making which will be a real slow process... and of course the interlacing of my weaving background into what is happening with my cloth making these days.
so without getting too personal, what's in your 'closet'?
as a side note, in my research for textiles and turkey... i happened on this interesting link about dyeing. i have created a research section in my sidbar to encourage some new exploration.
(reference: threadcrumbs # 59)