the dawn was foggy and humid, but the sun dissolved the mist quickly. i felt refreshed this morning as soon as i went outside. was a dark week here due to some personal issues which seem yet unresolved. the long cloth has been put aside waiting for another chapter. i spent the morning selecting a few projects i might finish in this moon's cycle and i was naturally drawn to "trusting in darkness" because of my mood. but i put it aside. not today. we have decided to spend the weekend in the garden. unplugged. so much is happening there so quickly. stories are unfolding at the speed of light.
.....i have put one old crazy cat on the garden bench and i will make it my weekend cloth. a real time story. i will use it to record a few moments as they unfold. i imagine there will be things like color shifts, wings, a watering can perhaps and of course a few of the critters i spot chewing on the cucumbers and eggplants. was? us? who knows? today, trusting in darkness will just be to forget it.
to trust is to let it go. to let it be. let it be something else maybe.