... i am returning to a slower pace and a series that has me hand piecing those tiny squares once again. the time keeper series focuses on dots and grids combined. nine patches as a record of a more traditional patchwork. dots as part of my current circle theme. where they overlap. smaller cloth that gives me more time for detail. small enough to regulate or perhaps count the stitches. small enough to carry with me. little cloth pacemakers.
...i love to be able to take the time to go beyond the original thought. to use both sides of the color woven corduroy for a color and texture variation, or replace a dark spot with a softer darkness, keeping the rhythm in a new way. my heart skips a beat.
the 3rd spirit cloth blogiversay is coming up in october. time flies. i think i will celebrate by hosting the free what if workshop on wednesdays, a good time to begin something new. i am thinking of a small giveaway project each week. just a real-time walk through of process. perhaps posting all day wednesday from start to finish. step by step. a workshop but also a way for me to keep some time for what-iffing each week.