the original theme of this blog was created around the story. story cloth revisited in some new way. the larger cloths i make are stories about me or stories about who they are for. but they are more like novels, slowly unfolding over time. and as you know they take forever.
i have just started a story fragment series. some for the shop. and some for myself. i have several things in my head. firstly i wanted to be able to share story cloth in a more practical and affordable manner. and i wanted to exercise my mind by challenging myself with the moment. each story is generated by a question, a what if what if trees could fly?
each one is a square ( 6" of story within 8" of cloth) ...because this year is the year of the square for me. each a collection of thoughts caught in a square frame. and each one is like a chapter in a story... i like that they might be combined perhaps to make a longer story... sewn into a book or hung as a series, or even made into a larger cloth...story blocks...i like that a lot... because that transforms them into slow cloth. i think the process, the asking and answering and combining those elements in a particular order can be the essence of story. yes.
and in addition, story can be a teacher, within each chapter is also the story of a little cloth, experiments in stitching and technique, like this one, where i am using some ideas about corners and quilting in patterns and new kind of weaving approaches. ( more on what -if soon). i have chosen to pop some of these into the shop unannounced. because that's how things happen. it feels more appropriate.
...if trees could fly they might see things they couldn't see if they didn't... of course that came after i asked what if trees have eyes? ...and what if some trees couldn't fly?
i put these in my keeper category because they are keeping something close to my heart.