This is just a little test for my new teaching format which has begun to come together... The video itself is not part of the series, but just an in process chat that the Man used as a sound test while I was working on my beast class giveaway, which is, by now, already complete and on its way to a new home.
Video can be so tricky, testing, always testing. The bell you hear ring towards the end is my blackberry. I forgot to turn it off.
I liked the outline idea so much I figured I would share it, since it is recorded, and I have indeed begun to prepare some of that colorless patchwork mentioned, to continue with.
The heat has returned, there is a a funeral to go to...and I hear there is a hurricane headed this way. Expect a few interruptions here. Maybe. It's ok, I have a lot of little squares to sew together and they fit in my pocket.