So. 7:30 AM. What if a nine patch could spin? What I think now is that in this way a square could become a circle. Which means you might start with anything and with a bit of focus... turn it into whatever you want. This is actually quite important in the scheme of things, don'tcha think? And then the question arises, how much do you want it?
11:24 AM... just to keep it going, what if I add a bit of that velvet I dyed yesterday? And quilt the center down a bit to keep it from getting out of shape. Stitching in a spiral can raise a bump. And this time I don't want one. Nope. What if Wednesdays could be what-iffing days, continuing. Yes, just continuing. Whispering Wednesday. Maybe.
1:30 PM... Ok I need to go out now. We will take a hike along the shore. It warmed up a bit and I have been sitting too long. Yes, I asked what if some of these points were magic? And I know these will begin to show up now. A lot. In a lot of things. See you later. 8:30 PM... stitching and fresh air. A good Wednesday. Goodnight.