Well it is What if Wednesday again....I suppose this has been a back burner what if..but a big one... ever since I noticed the covers on my outdoor cushions had become almost colorless after a season in the sun. I just loved the faded cloth and often leave brightly dyed scrap outdoors to soften the color. But it wasn't until this summer that I finally acted on a question I asked myself long ago; what if I use the folds as a resist?... and actually create a kind of sun shibori pattern, using the light to discharge the fabric.
And so I folded, wrapped and tied some indigo dyed linen cloth to the deck posts, and left them there for months. And well. I am glad I did. Because there is nothing like a big stuck what if to drag you down. I am so relieved that acted on it. Just a simple try, but look at that! And of course one thing leads to another. And you might only imagine how many little eggs have hatched from this one . Let's wait a while shall we? I am thinking this is a great second layering technique to some of the eco dying process. Right?
Today I really like this. And the advanced cloth to cloth workshop has been released for sale.