As the year comes to a close I want to thank all of you traveling companions for continuing with me, keeping me company in whatever way you have. Thank you for visiting, your humor, your concern, you comments and stories. It all makes my journey here so much richer.
This is the center of the magic cloth 2. The cloth I began in Magic Diaries, among some special friends. Still in process, its center is a ring of stones, perhaps a medicine wheel of sorts. A special heart felt thank you to those of you who volunteered as lab rats as I pulled together this little dream of Diary teaching style. It has really made a difference for me and I certainly couldn't have done it without your support.
With some regrets, I announce that the SEW forum has been closed to the public as of this week. It was a nice idea to open it but in the end, the intimacy of a close community has proved a more useful teaching tool as well as a warmer learning environment. I made this change after slowly considering current students and the nature of the internet and my own focus. Although it may exclude a few folks from looking in, it has opened new opportunity for the ring of vision that gathers there. SEW is now the student forum connected to the Diaries Series. They are seamlessly connected as we continue with our story cloth. A large cloth is like a community in a way. A gathering of scrap, story and intention into some kind of natural order. Over time it can become shelter from the storm. Today I am wrapped in community, appreciating the warmth it provides. And still continuing.
My presence here will be thinner through the holiday (photos mostly and posting the rest of the gathered feathers). I wish you all a peaceful transition.