It is quite cold here again. But I have simply found new energy, a way through some recent confusion. 72. That is how many unfinished things are piled up here. And now a path through them. Maybe it is a spring thing. As I pick them up one by one, they grow into some sort of newness. Continued from here, this IS about that, continuing. I filled in one more space, to make nine. They are sort of like pauses in going aren't they? These loops. And there is a bit of unexpected growth. I added that this morning, as a reminder of the kind of going that we often overlook, especially in Winter. And to honor change.
With all the current things running through my head, it was only natural for me to ask, what if (?) these loops, lives, were arranged as a nine patch.
By the way, I am working to restore access to the What If blog, as part of a what-iffing trend that has resurfaced with Spring.