So now I am focused on looking around, at all the beginnings, well , middles really..., things in process that I chose to live with, out in the open. All of them. At the end of Magic Diaries, I decided they should all be out there. Visible. To get a feel for the volume of thought. To understand context a bit more. And this piece has grown from that. What was once separate has begun to touch. And now it seems to be a little story of a bigger picture. I renamed it room to see, because it is about vision and space and my sense of that..... Of course this has required the clearing of wall space. Everything else needed to go.
There was a sense of freedom in that (as well as a lot of holes in the walls). And then, before the Vat became exhausted, the butterfly was born. I am trying to use my new knowledge of shibori to create some other simple components, consistencies, for my work, in addition to the moons. Some symbols created in dyeing rather than stitch. I like the sense of space that resist dyeing gives. The simple definition through negative space. To me I find it to be another way to divide space. And in this way I think I have found a way to increase its usefulness in my story. So far there is the moonflower and the butterfly. I have a few other ideas, but the Vat needs work. Maybe I can manage some fresh leaf brews for some quick experiments.
I learned to dye with indigo from Glennis. She also introduced me to shibori. I put her link back in the side bar and now I have taken it off again. I am rebuilding my links in a new space. Things get cluttered so easily, we lose sight of them.
And now a little space here with posting as well, as I ease back into Diaries. Not to mention it is a holiday weekend, and My Son's birthday is mixed in there somewhere as well.
Spirit Cloth Diaries is my new long term continuous multi media teaching format Thoughts, notes, design development, techniques, etc. Teaching by example, story style. You can read more about it HERE.