Fasting, feathers and fresh air....and maybe a little old cloth... is all I need today. I am , of course, looking at this one as an Eye Of a Storm in a way now. Considering it just about finished. Thinking it would be bigger ( only about 14" square) , but that, even so, it seems larger in the way it is ordered and moving outward. Thinking maybe I will try something like this on a larger scale. Like this but different. Which it how it goes.
I feel back to a balance today. With so much to catch up on. Emails, gathering stones, the magic feather cloth, bills, things. But it's all OK today. A red fox just trotted by the studio , rustling the leaves, hurrying somewhere. I had no camera. Now he is gone. A magnificent red fox. He will stay no doubt...seen him checking out all the fallen trees and debris down the hill.
Friday. Fasting, feathers, fresh air and foxes (a family maybe) then. And a bit of old cloth.