Staying with Mom for the weekend.
7:30 AM Rain. More Rain...
8:30 AM Cloth. Gentle cloth...
Mom sleeps late. I sew.
9:00 AM Time for more Coffee.
11:00 AM The sun is out. And so is the crab apple. The rain knocked off a lot of the blossoms, but not all of them.
12:08 PM Cloth changes with a quiet day. Mom naps. A few fallen crab apple petals remembered, the need for some blue sky. Because that's the way the day unfolds.
3:30PM a bit of mending... right after my son remembered to call and say he loves me.
A bit Later: Puzzles and thoughts of transformation.
5:06 PM Big wind, and time to fix dinner.
7:29 PM... flowers from across the country, wine, naps.