As the man landed in Turkey, there was a bit more fresh snow here. But then some sun and a bit of melting.
My impression was the vessels were being born of white. But then noticing they might seem to be appearing or disappearing, I began to consider birth from both sides. At which point I said "either one".
I bumped into basket self while stitching away today on WhiteNess. Again I couldn't decide if I was becoming more. Or less. I marked the spot with nine. Looks like January's cloth is moving into February. My birth month.
I have been on one side of online learning for a while now. I signed up for this just to have another point of view. Ulrike has taken several of my classes. It will be swell to trade places.
It is going to be 6 degrees tonight. Just the beginning of Big Cold. Before more Big Snow. And more Big Cold.