Yesterday I stitched the corner and closed the gap to complete the third ring on the Nest of Days.
It now actually measures 46" square. Just about. I will let it rest. Adjust to its new edge.
There was warm sunshine and wet earth.
I shot some video and I want to talk about sewing triangles but I shut the computer down and spent a lot of time just enjoying the day. Considering so many things. So I will probably do another post later after I process the video and piece my thoughts together about all that.
Soul-O becomes more loving every day.
I feel I have to spend some time honing the Feel Free format. Perhaps taking a little time to do that. I want to say Thank You again as another flurry of donations and kind notes have flown my way. I think 2016 will be a good year as I walk this path to sharing. Catching a dream. There is much work to do. I will enjoy every minute of it. For I am finding myself in the process.