Tendency is on my mind.
A predisposition to think, act, or proceed in a particular way.
How Sanity (as I am trying to define it, in small deliberate steps) might in some way be a modification on that.
Anyway, yesterday I got to thinking. While out hacking away at some old root-ball I was trying to remove from the garden. It was such a dense mass beneath the surface. Nothing would grow there. It seemed small initially but as I dug... well it took hours and I ended up with some unidentifiable tangle of plant threads and a Big Hole.
I had a green liquid lunch. Then stitched this.
Another nine. With a black center. A black hole block (component). (What if a black hole could be square?)
This might be Nine for the Tendency to be Sucked In. Ha! Yes. (I could make a political comment here. About Her. But I will keep it to myself.)
Now my thoughts turn to concentration. Concentrating thought. Art might be, in some way, related to that that. Simply that. I think.
I used a focal zoom effect on one section (about 30" square) of the perpetual grid cloth (I am working in sections, but more about that later) after adding the black hole block. I like how the black hole became the center and everything else is radiating outward. Here a black hole is something positively negative. And an eye of a storm.
Here Soul-O. And the Art of Looking.