I am really tired today.
I get confused by a shift in light and dark.
It is very dark. No Sun. For days, and days to come. This shifts my sleep cycle, since the sun is my alarm clock. I woke up late. Too late for my comfort.
I am sitting here doing some last minute gathering before I begin digging in and republishing the lesson (not really that in any traditional way) pages from the original class. As I begin that process, there will be more space between class posts. The old class has a lot of audio to be converted. It takes time. Time I am taking because it needs to be done and all of this is good motivation for that. I have not reworked my way through the old material. I want it to be new to me again as I go. Just to clearly see and compare it all to what I might think now using the same focus.
My motto as it has evolved: Be Prepared to be Unprepared.
Photos. I have a lot of them. They are untamed loose pages. All over the computer and many more on an external hard drive. Too many. Know what I mean?
Some then...
Obviously, the Sun has always been there. And mostly in the center. And it is right? Even if it sometimes feels like it isn't.
Note to self: Be like the Sun.
This is just a collage of photos that I pulled off the blog. It was fairly easy to find them because I tagged them suns for the categories. I am glad I have used that tool here, extensively, because the blog is so big. Some cloths here were from the first class, some not. Some sold, some gifted, some still here. But even the ones that flew away, they are still here too. Because of the photos.
I'll re-organize my SunMoonStars photos today. Just that. I use Google's Picasa to manage photos. There are a lot of tools out there. I have used this one for a long time. It's free and I like its simple editing tools and its logic. Applying tags to the photos allows me to create albums and then collages by subject.
I remember when there was no computer, no digital photos. I used to page through magazines, National Geographic. Clip and snip and make a focused scrapbook. Remember those days?
Actually mine was (is) a scrap-pile. Old loose habits. And instant refocus. Just slower.
Yes, I think there are a few piles left somewhere. This old house is a scrap pile. Maybe I will take y'all up on a tour of the cloth loft. Gathering materials, another small journey ahead.