Another Face.
Last night we slept fireside. Just to do that.
It was raining hard. The roof was leaking a lot. The power was up and down. And it just seemed warmer and drier and brought back memories of living smaller, doing that one room thing in winters past. 'Twas was a quick decision and as we pulled out the sleeper couch, I grabbed the cat quilt, which I had been mending ( yes still at that), and spread it out "face" down as a sheet.
Ha! Instantly it became the next piece in the Sanity Collection.
I think probably the other side of a cloth has always been part of my consideration. Especially the quilt. Which in many ways, over time, has taken on the sense of a Double Cloth to me, specifically the class of double cloth that is referred to Double Face.
Double-faced fabrics are a form of double cloth made of one warp and two sets of wefts, or (less often) two warps and one weft. These fabrics have two right sides or faces and no wrong side, and include most blankets, satin ribbons, and interlinings.[2] Wikipedia
It is interesting to use this crossover in terms of my own roots in weave. I have always loved that the right sides of a cloth are often referred to as faces. I just made a note to self that, for me, no kind of cloth has a wrong side. I have a category for The Other Side. Maybe I should file that under Faces.
The lines are a result of quilting. Not the conventional kind I used way back when that's what I did. But now. As I mend and connect the layers with less regard for that. I need to continue mending this cloth for a while longer. It is helping me through something.