Reconsidering Wings, Reach.
I step back for a moment. 2013. Spirit Cloth Diaries.
Here I was diagramming thought. And delving into Butterfly Self. The Basket self holds many selves.
I am revisiting them. Basket Self evolved to hold them. These often times Loose Selves. To create a safe place for them to get to know each other. To reassure each other. To hide. Become. To prepare for more Small Journeys.
I've included the audio that accompanied this moment.
Because these things belong together.
The Diary Series. There were several. They have not been released as part of Feel Free. They were very personal and expansive in terms of Considering. As I go back, I am aware of the deep content there. Much of the technique and design evolution there can be indexed. Useful to my efforts to expand my open teaching project. But I look at the units as a whole. How wonderful it is to have them like that. To revisit days as they went. Mostly though, so many ideas that might be expanded upon. We are limitless.
I have a big job in front of me. To contain all of this in a useful way.
I think there are 2 main categories. One being Technique. The other being Creative Thought, Design.
How might they feed each other? How might I be able We be able to encourage that?
I've made a some notes to self this morning. About reach. How I envision that. How big it can become. But how keeping things within reach is also part of making things useful. Considering all of this before getting too far and having regrets. Knowing the limits of effectiveness. Thank you all for your patience through this process. I have to take my time.
I will not release the Diaries as a unit for free. I will offer them up against donations, all in good time.
As usual, I am REconsidering many things. I have one question now. If you have donated already to this effort, and would like to be on the Feel Free Community listing... might you send me a note by email? With your name (or how you want to be listed), a note ( anything, even a bit about your self or thoughts, feedback) if you want to publicly say something, and a link to whatever online presence you might want to make known, if you have one. Thank you.
This project has taken on new meaning in these sad days of small thinking and self serving endeavor.
Here's to Education without Borders.