Tracks in the snow this morning.
They stay. Change with the wind and intermittent flurries.
The leaves fall. The thorns are beautifully there. I am inspired by this image. I'll do some sketches later.
I've been stitching on this one. Through the fast. It was a color study/sampler. A noticing how one color might lean into another. It was about color AS change. And so may things have happened. I cannot speak about all of them right now. I just added the star, this morning, at 3AM. Maybe because some wishing came true. Or maybe just because I lean on tradition and like to honor that. I am almost done but I want to extend the cross-like shadow into the frame somehow. Into space. To make it hold 9 Forever. And vibrate outward.
I have a stack of unfinished work here.
One by one they are coming into my hands.
I feel very good today. Clear.
Apple cider vinegar cure was always present in my childhood.
I closed my eyes and thanked Mom and Dad.