Just Going.
Always in motion, hard to capture.
And just growing. Side by side. No rules except it's oK.
The batik trees, in between two of my old patches, are by Teresa. She is off somewhere, but she'll be ok.
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Just Going.
Always in motion, hard to capture.
And just growing. Side by side. No rules except it's oK.
The batik trees, in between two of my old patches, are by Teresa. She is off somewhere, but she'll be ok.
Posted on April 30, 2017 in continuing aka Just Going, flow, in between, tell the children the truth | Permalink | Comments (13)
What Guides us?
There sure was a lot of wishing in April.
There was, finally, (1)The Star with a Way Through It. (2)Old Feather Brows appeared. (3)And Suddenly a Tree! There were, as always, (4)Growing Pains. And ultimately a (5)Coming Together.
These are for sale. The star $25. The strays $75.00. They are not quite done, but will be soon.
Shipping is free in the USA. $15.00 everywhere else.
Posted on April 28, 2017 in selling what you make/do, stars, the wishing kind, stray cat/self series | Permalink | Comments (37)
Or dots, as I more lovingly refer to them.
I used to talk about dots a lot. Is the word circle a more adult, a more serious word?
The curve of this wood, just part of the circle. My mind completed the rest. Wood. To my son, wood is like what cloth is to me. I think of him. How this helps me know him. Trust him.
I didn't burn this piece. I save it for looking.
The cloth here, except for small scraps, is stored like this. Curled. It makes it seem quite human. Resting there.
The Earth Dot Cloth is a quiet cloth in the Sanity Series. Silk is more fluid. Harder to handle. Prints and seams shift and slide. Sometimes I baste it to something else to stabilize it. But here I wanted the silk to speak in this way. To be as it is as I stitch, yet still accommodate the sense of natural order that calms me.
There is not much continuity to my April. Maybe time will tell me why. Ha, really it doesn't matter. A big Jack Rabbit just hopped across the deck. No pictures,he was too fast.
Today, I really like this.
Posted on April 27, 2017 in Cloth is like self, dot diaries, dots and circles, imperfection, natural order, patchwork(mostly in perspective), sanity, silk, wood | Permalink | Comments (17)
(And it has been raining. Still raining.)
Things just grow.
There is growth. New growth this morning.
Salad. Right there on the steps.
And growing pains.
Posted on April 26, 2017 in Cloth is like self, continuing aka Just Going, flow, green, how it might happen, life, questions, simpler times, stray cat/self series | Permalink | Comments (48)
Probably because they are just always there.
Little pieces.
I walk by,
and can't help myself. Might I be satisfied with this sort of thing? Fleeting Patchwork? A moment later, just a pile. The biggest thought I came a way with yesterday. Create a sense of space. Understand scale as a sense of space. Not a new thought. Just a reminder. It's almost May. May will be the month of the Endless Wishing Cloth. April is awash with rain and loose patches.
Thank you Liz:
Posted on April 25, 2017 in alignment, Becoming more or less, components aka loose patches, dream/thought catching, form, Imagine, measuring, nine lives patch, patchwork(mostly in perspective), questions, scale, space, the sense-feel | Permalink | Comments (16)
Posted on April 24, 2017 in natural order, notes to self, questions, scale, space, stars, the wishing kind | Permalink | Comments (48)
Posted on April 23, 2017 in faces, stars, the wishing kind, stray cat/self series | Permalink
Away again soon.
A few small cloths and a bit of thread in my pockets.
These two, originally, simply, Cut from the Same Cloth.
Posted on April 21, 2017 in alignment, crossover, One-ness, questions, stray cat/self series, sympathetic (sempathetic) evolution | Permalink | Comments (33)
After a lot of slow rain...
Suddenly new green.
A simple method for the dyeing. The dyeing just to use stuff up, color thread, just to go in some simple way. While my mind wanders off like it does sometimes.
Sometimes consistency teaches us a lot. This is a kind of bastardized solar method I think.
The old coffee pot. Put stuff in. Cover with water. In this case rain water. April brings a lot of water.
Heat it. Simmer a bit. 1/2 hour.
Transfer to a jar. Add a bit of alum. 1/4 tsp.
Add a bit of cloth, a bit of thread. Same cloth, same thread. Testing silk this time.
Leave it near the sunny studio window.
This batch, 48 hours or so.
I never really did the alum thing in any big way. I'm doing it because I have some. Just to see. Maybe I will compare it with what I have done before. No mordant, soymilk mordant. I don't know. I don't think it is that important to me. The science or the allegiance. I am a casual dyer. Just the way the color appears is joy enough. Probably, for me, the fastness of color is important because my embroideries depend on it. Although it might be interesting to look at it after all the color has faded or disappeared. Anyway, I might just stitch up a sampler to use as a looking cloth, to watch if the color stays or not. That might be a nice kind of living cloth. The turmeric and black beans usually fade a bit, but this is my first test with alum. Appearing and Disappearing is Magic to me, so all is well I guess.
Using what I have is really the most consistent thing about my process. Not necessarily trend. What I have here depends on many things, often gifts from others in addition to the rescued cloth and thread. And then there is curiosity, which forms seemingly out of thin air, but no. It's thought. Thought caught. Used.
I'm still wishing, but for nothing specific. Probably because there was not much sleep last night.
I lay awake thinking about how life goes for different folks.
Posted on April 20, 2017 in color, natural dyeing, reuse, stars, the wishing kind, thread | Permalink | Comments (37)
If the path before you is clear,
you are probably on
someone else's.
-Carl Jung