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Posted on April 19, 2017 in color, continuing aka Just Going, natural dyeing, the sense-feel | Permalink | Comments (16)
I think it could be a series. Suddenly.
Because that is how it is going. How it might happen.
I try to focus. Then, suddenly, I wander off.
Like the weather here in April. It became so warm, like summer, so quickly. Then just as quickly, suddenly, POOF!, it's a bit more like early spring again.
Bits of me seem to be scattered everywhere.
I stitched a few together without worrying about why. And this time just enough stitch to hold the thought together.
Suddenly a Butterfly
April will be like this. The weather. And Me. Too many little things suddenly need to be addressed. I'll try to make the best of it. Them.
Another wish formed. Fireside, even though there was no fire. I've been stitching on the squares I talked about here.
The little spaced out nine in the center is another little symbol that developed a while back. A sense of order. I think I might be able to radiate outward and still hold that sense.
Posted on April 18, 2017 in 9(forever), alignment, Cloth is like self, continuing aka Just Going, dream/thought catching, how it might happen, life, One-ness, patchwork(mostly in perspective), problem solving, scraps of self, stars, the wishing kind, sympathetic (sempathetic) evolution, vibrating outward, wandering, working in a series | Permalink | Comments (18)
Dyeing here is mostly small.
I mostly use what grows here. But yesterday there was fresh turmeric at the market. We consume a lot of turmeric. I used to grow it in pots. Haven't done that in a while, since the organic market open up nearby.
Just slow solar dyeing mostly this spring I think. With a bit of alum, which I almost never use, but there is some here to be used up. Boil water, add a bit of alum add plant stuff. Some scrap and thread. Leave it for a while.
I'm not much for yellow, especially bright yellow but yellow is a great base to dye over. And many plants yield yellow in one form or another.
Tumeric. Dandelion.
Posted on April 17, 2017 in color, natural dyeing | Permalink | Comments (32)
Posted on April 16, 2017 in alignment, cloth stories, how it might happen, imperfection, needle chanting, redefinition, small journeys, squares, stars, the wishing kind, stitching, video, wandering | Permalink
Fire. Evening. And morning.
The nights are cool, the days are warm. Just warm enough. Perfect. I feel grateful.
Posted on April 14, 2017 in 21st century rags, a little holiday cloth, ceremony, cloth weaving, Endless Wishing cloth, grateful, how it might happen, looking, measuring, questions, stars, the wishing kind | Permalink | Comments (14)
April is warm enough.
I love the back and forth of it. The first greens.
I'll clear away some of the leaves today. The ones that fell during winter. Some hang on a bit longer than expected. And fall with the early spring rains. Just those close to the house will go. To discourage ticks too close for comfort. There is already a warning out here.
There is no need to plant to have a garden in this place we call home for now. Gathering dandelion greens for salad today. And some blooms for the Dyepo(e)t.
The studio needs one more day of straightening. I'll do that later when it gets cooler. Maybe burn some of the twigs from the clean up. Build one of the last fires of the season.
A few things added to the list for keeping with me, travelling companions...
the dyepo(e)t,
a little dandelion cloth
and the memory of leaves that hang on a little longer than expected.
A list is like a poem sometimes. Might my list grow into one?
Posted on April 12, 2017 in alignment, ceremony, faces, long cloth/pathworks, moons, season/change, stray cat/self series | Permalink | Comments (32)
Just That.
And Soul-o
Becoming a star.
That's what came to mind.
None of the current stray cloths got done this month. But they will be happy to wander towards May. A long time ago I stopped stressing about turning the points on the ears. I just left them to how it might happen. And As it turns out, it's always better that way. To accept and learn to manage the fray.
The weather has turned magical , as it does, suddenly, seemingly over night.
I've got some wishing in my pocket and we are off to go walking.
Posted on April 11, 2017 in Becoming more or less, edges, impressions, light and dark, moons, photoplay, points and protrusions, Soul-o, wandering | Permalink | Comments (32)
If the path before you is clear,
you are probably on
someone else's.
-Carl Jung