Space. Funny how, for me, the concept, or even the word Space, conjures something big. Or at least bigger than what was previously considered. Even though space could be small.
These new squares are larger. 3 x the size of the basic small unit. 3 x 1.75" = 5.25". A ring of these will bring the cloth closer to 5 feet square quickly. (these muslin squares have been cut down slightly from 6" squares once set aside for another quilt long ago. Leftovers rescued.)
I'm not planning, just generally going. And then looking at where I have gone. With no regrets. I like the floor. At least the cloth is at rest horizontally.
Although the grid has begun to shift, I have not yet changed the math. Still using the little squares I had prepared. For filling in the corners of the square ring making.
When I began I was obsessed with keeping my place, X marking the spots I had been. I gave it up. Now the corners simply mark my change of direction in new found space. So I might remind myself of the hug of the rings. Trust it's form.