Today is my birthday.
The avocado plant has awakened.
After months of dropping leaves.
Birthdays always have me thinking about growth.
I got 99.9% good feedback on the audio player. NOTE: If you are subscribed by email. You are receiving a copy of the daily post from my blog via an automatic service. I too subscribe so I can review the format conversion. Most media, video or audio does not show up with a player. That is why I supply an alternative link. Just as a reminder, you can always click the title of the post and that will take you to the actual blog post on the blog itself. I suggest this only because I feel it is a more complete experience. But that's up to you. The alternative audio opens in a separate window which can be minimized, giving you the opportunity to look while you listen.
I will probably stick with the You Tube format over at Feel Free. We'll see.
I have some really old paper. Because I waited so long.
Ha, even I have become antique.