And home.
Those 3 things. Three things aligned can create direction. Path. Story.
The Holding Pattern quilt is holding other patterns at the moment. The center is stitched. I love letting my eyes stand at the edge where stitched meets unstitched. It waits for my next move. I never know what that will be until it happens. But it is usually connected to looking. Sometimes even looking away. When I pinned these little long cloths up for gazing (they came together as I decluttered a winter studio) I noticed how another pattern might form. I remembered back to notes I made about pattern. I found a lot of old notes. Since they tend to be loose, I find them every where. How they come back together is key to my process. It's a patchwork.
Some-where in the middle of the night, a few nights ago I decided, or became aware of a desire, to host one final interactive online workshop. I cannot piece together the details yet because the pieces are scattered everywhere. But I sense I still have the energy to pull them together.
The Feel Free Open classroom site seems bug free. It will open soon like an open field on the edge of spring. Bring seeds.