In the context of Sanity.
That's how to pull it together. That's what popped into my mind.
A heart's path is my chosen Travelling Companion. I'll stitch on that. A past post here. The framing.
A bit of clarity (aka blur-ity) moved through last night.
I began creating patchwork frames.
For when you don't know where you are going. And you just need a frame of reference/self.
Frames of mind I'll call them. From 1", 2" and 3" squares. Stitched simply from simple cloth, contrasting seams To honor the building. The style I am using for the Sanity Series. I think they will be useful. Sanity is connected to Frame of Mind. These will help me look at all my cloth things in the Context of Sanity. They are windows. New Eyes. Space Keepers.
I'm doing a fast this coming month. This month that might embrace change. A Web fast. To cleanse my mind. My mind is cluttered. I will not be posting anywhere. I'll leave the "shop stuff" to my brother to manage, or not, as time allows. He just moved and he is busy settling in. I will check my email now and then from my phone. We'll be here and there really, and maybe even elsewhere, if only in my mind. And I'll see you in July. Most Likely.
Note, since I issue passwords for the protected Feel Free content personally, there might be a delayed response during the month of June. Thanks for your patience.
Poof! then.