It was just a kind of off grid base.
5 circle patches, spaces in between. A cloth collage. Glue Stitched. Like I do.
And then the Basket-Self. At the center of this universe I seem to picture myself in. Like we do because it's human nature to sense ourselves so. Use that to be.
Reminds me a bit of yesterday's post. Imagining basket self in that one now. Maybe just a blob-floating.
And then, because Ive been sorting and packing and purging in the studio, I found these. Beast templates I use now and again. I'll call them the connectors. They are us. Bridges.
The fabric loft is now the dust loft. Time to get up here and finish the purge.
And then, sadly...(I know it doesn't matter to some of you, and then for some it might be good news.)
I'm discouraged and that doesn't happen often.