This works right now.
I need one. A path from one thing to another. To fill in a Widening Gap. Now I can imagine being one. My self as a bridge between selves. I worked from that digital drawing from yesterday. Without looking back at it. Her lower half, drawn in. Above her, stitched. I almost said "only sky". To myself. How one thing becomes another always seems quite simple but it's not. Not if you know the story.
Here I am, with a fine list of Piecemaker/Ragmates, already enough to build a ring of safety. I will go through my emails in the next days... and to keep it simple on this side, answer you only if you have had questions and give you mailing instructions if you need to mail a check. Just to be clear, you can sign up anytime, pay any time (or not)and passwords will be sent a week before the Series begins. If you want to attend, please remember to fill out the form by clicking the link in the Newsletter. LINK TO NEWSLETTER. And please only pay/sign up for Part 1 because the rest is still forming.
I'll be quiet for a while now.
Here is Soul-o becoming a basket.