Stepping away from technology for a few days.
For those of you who missed yesterday's post, things are in need of reconsideration.
Have a good weekend.
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Stepping away from technology for a few days.
For those of you who missed yesterday's post, things are in need of reconsideration.
Have a good weekend.
Hope you will too. Please read this post.
I suppose it was the thing I was not worried about out of all the things I could be worrying about.
My Feel Free site just began to fail and all my audios are disappearing because the audio player plugin I was using is not working anymore. This is big. And I had to take the site down until I can either find a solution or redo all the pages that have audio. I am hoping I can find a quick fix, otherwise I will have to keep the site closed for a month or two while I repair it. it will be a massive undertaking. I will do my best to get things up and running as soon as possible.
If you are subscribed to any of the segments of Patchwork in Perspective, I apologize for the interruption and will ask for your extra patience while I look into this problem. I am so sorry. I will keep you posted here.
_ _ _ _ !
(use your imagination)
Posted on August 29, 2019 in technology and blogging | Permalink
Finding comfort in simple things.
Like just being here.
A little path-work.
Trying not to clutter my mind with more than just being.
The window cross, the thing that stands combined with the thing that moves through... again... stitched with magic thread, the magic, a reminder of how things appear and disappear. The form it takes, how we simply bear witness to that, until we are that.
A new post in small cloth, thought catching later.
Posted on August 28, 2019 in Becoming more or less, form, home, how it might happen, life, long cloth/pathworks, looking, magic, patchwork(mostly in perspective), simpler times, symbols, windows | Permalink | Comments (9)
There is less.
There is more, more space.
The angel will stay. She is the keeper of the stairway.
I've been stitching (just to keep going) to extend the vertical. A kind of vibration. In the empty space above and below center. Where the evidence of standing is not always evident in the looking. More like the sense of it.
Just Move with the Spirit
Still a bit of stitching required beneath to complete the sense of standing.
Under Standing.
Posted on August 26, 2019 in alignment, Becoming more or less, Cloth is like self, continuing aka Just Going, filling space, Patience/Eventually, space, stitching, the sense-feel, vibrating outward | Permalink | Comments (39)
Like a river,
A blue prayer rising.
A way to use that word.
A new wave theory maybe. Grounded by my safety net.
Thoughts of nowhere being everywhere.
I am here and not here.
Posted on August 23, 2019 in 9(forever), flow, how it might happen, nine lives patch, patchwork(mostly in perspective) | Permalink | Comments (42)
I'm considering them... (again actually, they come and go).
Making them. Not making them.
And the form they might encourage.
There is a new post, finally!, in Small Cloth today (Patchwork in Perspective, part 2) And I will be talking a bit about waves in Thought Catching ( Patchwork in Perspective, part 1) later today. As soon as I catch that wave.
And just for an update, we are still homeless. I guess I could get used to it.
Posted on August 21, 2019 in considering/reconsidering, doodles and drawings (joodlehill), flow, form, natural order | Permalink | Comments (14)
Just Suddenly.
That's how the sense of something arrives.
It took about 48 years but I suddenly realized I am not 20.
Posted on August 17, 2019 in clarity (now known as blur-ity), how it might happen, stray cat/self series, the sense-feel | Permalink | Comments (38)
On the move...
Note, I may miss your emails, I'm half baked. Just remind me if it is important.
Posted on August 15, 2019 in embroidery, shibori, stars, the wishing kind | Permalink
The Coma Cloth was made to express a kind of shift in consciousness.
However I fold her, she seems to transform.
I use that to address stress. Remind myself to adjust.
I will not be able to post in Patchwork in Perspective today. So class is most likely postponed until next Wednesday unless a window of time is suddenly realized. Thank you for your patience.
Posted on August 14, 2019 in COMA, life, transformation | Permalink
Love it here, I do.
Know why I am leaving? I don't anymore, except I will.
I kept the name Unfinished for So Long, because that is the last thing I said to myself about it.
I decided to give it a frame of reference...
... which became broken in a blink of an eye.
Off again to look for something, always not sure what. Maybe just change. Be back Wednesday.
Posted on August 11, 2019 in Becoming more or less, edges | Permalink | Comments (20)
If the path before you is clear,
you are probably on
someone else's.
-Carl Jung