Hope you will too. Please read this post.
I suppose it was the thing I was not worried about out of all the things I could be worrying about.
My Feel Free site just began to fail and all my audios are disappearing because the audio player plugin I was using is not working anymore. This is big. And I had to take the site down until I can either find a solution or redo all the pages that have audio. I am hoping I can find a quick fix, otherwise I will have to keep the site closed for a month or two while I repair it. it will be a massive undertaking. I will do my best to get things up and running as soon as possible.
If you are subscribed to any of the segments of Patchwork in Perspective, I apologize for the interruption and will ask for your extra patience while I look into this problem. I am so sorry. I will keep you posted here.
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(use your imagination)