Good Night.
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I think maybe this post should've could've been over at Thought Catching (Patchwork in Perspective, part 1) But I think it just needed to be here, for now, before I begin again over there.
Today, and for the last few days actually, my thoughts have been about thinking. About changing my mind actually. I am going to talk, just test, for talking here, in this new place. Practice. Let's give it a try...
alternative audio link if you see no player above.
Anyway, I left the moon underneath this time. And the sun has become a new kind of symbol here, another day. The moon is always there anyway even if you can't see it. And Dad, loved the sun on his shoulders and he loved just being alive. And I have decided that changing your mind is, in a way evolutionary. And in no way shameful or weak or embarrasing. It's just another day. Like tomorrow. For this thinking being, the moment is more than now. And that is just + going/gone. A thread.
Seems Soul-o likes a sunny spot too. And he seriously decided this is his chair. For now.
I'm just thinking today anyway.
Posted on February 18, 2020 in alignment, Becoming more or less, considering/reconsidering, context/frames of mind, continuing aka Just Going, dream/thought catching, Feel Free, how it might happen, layers, moons, patchwork(mostly in perspective), season/change, Soul-o, suns, symbols, transformation | Permalink | Comments (39)
Yes, I'm here, the Man here has solved the computer issue for now.
Yesterday I met my first Blue Bird. Can you find it here? I took the pic from my sewing corner. Maybe that little bird house was it's home?
Need to learn more about them. Put up some bird boxes.
Maybe my son will make a few for me.
They are really a mood boost. I feel optimistic.
It's a big table. I was imagining how nice it would be to gather here for a workshop. Still thinking.
I might call this Mind Games, at least for today. I will talk about it tomorrow. Try anyway.
Posted on February 17, 2020 in context/frames of mind, garden, home, Imagine, life, long cloth/pathworks | Permalink | Comments (52)
That's Dad's painting on the left. Been hanging more of them.
Amazed that the little cloth I unrolled, began stitching on, was so close in palette.
When I hung it on the wall, I said, oh! Now I am missing him.
The fan is busted on my computer. It screams to keep it cool, and then it heats up and shuts down. Posting quickly...Bye.
PS. Thanks for all the Love on my last post.
Posted on February 14, 2020 in a little holiday cloth, hearts, patchwork(mostly in perspective), skitch skatch | Permalink | Comments (24)
Rain again, fog, grey February, but no real snow. So warm, but cold returns tomorrow morn, in some big way.
Kitchen window. Grandma's glass door knob. Always love how it twists things.
Here it's own little world, pushing all else out of focus.
Two wet racoons just slowly walked by across my field of vision. I did not think to pick up the camera. I noticed that.
I picked this one today. To think about. Again. To show you, Again.
Weathering A Storm. Now aka just Thinking.
I thought to work on the grid section in the center. Because that is where the Magic seems to be. The potential to build and connect through experience. To catch new form, and try to explain it. Years. Years of saying. Engaging. I thought hard about that yesterday. I am naturally such private person. Suddenly, I am feeling more disengaged. Maybe I am coming closer and closer to having said enough.
Anyway, did that. Some work on it...
Posted on February 13, 2020 in clarity (now known as blur-ity), dream/thought catching, eyes, how it might happen, stitching, weathering the storm | Permalink | Comments (42)
Loving the sense of it. Many images building at the same time. In my mind.
By evening, yesterday, the new Place to Be had evolved into Yes,OK...
A more comfortable chair in that corner where the light is at my back.
And a lamp, for evening stitching.
On the table to my right, a makeshift green house for a new sprouting avocado pit. I couldn't bring my large plants with me. Starting again.
I have what I need.
Peace in the Valley.
Posted on February 11, 2020 in Becoming more or less, home, how it might happen, layers, photoplay, studio, the beast-spirit, the sense-feel | Permalink | Comments (44)
Posted on February 10, 2020 in long cloth/pathworks | Permalink | Comments (17)
And here, now, a bigger picture.
It's a bit like sitting at the laundromat. The washer and dryer are in an alcove to the left. An alcove that they do not quite fit in. We thought to move them to the basement. We don't need to, just want to. We thought, we could build the opening out a bit. Put a door, or even a curtain. But right now, gee, I'm just in grateful mode. Grateful for such a luxury, the washer, the dryer (probably tho, the clothesline will get more use). So to honor them, I sit with them for now. Thoughts of venting the dryer heat inside makes sense.
I have moved the table, changed its orientation, so there is a corner to sit in with sun at my back. A sewing chair then, for now. The other chair, for looking out. I think this is the winter studio really.
Laundry is cloth right? oh ha! I do honestly love washing and ironing, maybe that's why. It's like honoring Cloth. Caring.
This morning, with coffee, honoring two friends. A little pairing to bring them together. A Glennis moon. Some Richard Carbin vintage blues from Japan. I honor them. For their dedication to work and family. Their honesty. Their generosity. Their authenticity. I will cobble this together, using a scrap of my own blue to block out part of the ikat pattern on the bottom. To make it look like a landscape. Good people are like a place. To rest.
Oh and I made a little valentine. Nine for Love.
Posted on February 10, 2020 in alignment, ceremony, hearts, home, love, moons, nine lives patch, Pair-ings, rest, sympathetic (sempathetic) evolution, trusted resource | Permalink | Comments (41)
If the path before you is clear,
you are probably on
someone else's.
-Carl Jung