Guilty, I almost felt guilty.
Enjoying such a beautiful and peaceful day, when so many are suffering through all this chaos.
Internet didn't matter yesterday.
We are living a simple life here. Not spending ANY money, except food. Doing small repairs ourselves, facing things we cannot fix. Or change. Eating simple home-cooked food. A glass of cheap wine not as often as before. We found grapes growing here, maybe we can make our own. Just being here, appreciating the space around us. We did notice on this first warm day, our neighbors are quite noisy. TV and loud music on the porch through the trees. Two young teens at home. Maybe I would need TV too. So tolerance is on my mind lately. They are not my style, but friendly, and just doing their thing to get through. People, just going, living, making do. I guess these sounds could seem like music in the context of these times.
I hung a small cloth on the porch after dinner, after a long day trimming brambles away from grapevines and hauling dead wood under the porch for cutting. These will be my new walls. Even though it seems there will be a couple of colder weeks still ahead. Since I mostly work thin I will be looking through small cloth instead of at it. As I look to make it larger. Large cloth tends to get thicker and heavier as it becomes a blanket. I'm think about Not That.
I'm at a loss when it comes to organizing my teaching this time around. So I am just going. And I am thinking that is good enough. Not teaching really, going, as an example. I don't care what I end up with, it'll be something, even if it is a dream. It's all the same really at this point. Finding a piece of cloth, or sewing bits of cloth together, with the intent to make something useful. Continuing to find ways to hold it together. Using it as a thought catcher, a shelter, a way to understand something about something.
The Lion Quilt was my first "spirit Cloth". Going to talk about that one first. Because it contains my innocence about cloth making, among other things. And it was a gift. To me.