Just happens.
He ran between my legs when I opened the door from the porch to check on the raised bed seedlings. He leaped through the railing and ran beneath the porch and rolled in the dry dirt. I tried to catch him. He ran up the hill to the stone wall, disappeared and then reappeared from the forest. He ran around front just as the FedEx guy pulled up to deliver a much needed part to fix the shower. He got frightened and disappeared. I was in despair. I called and called. I walked back up the stairs to the porch thinking oh gosh, what will happen if he doesn't find his way back? If the fox comes? What if...? I opened the door to go in and he ran right between my legs, back to safety. This morning he has made it clear he wants to do it again.
The Man broke the axe trying to split some black locust wood. Gosh it is dense. We are getting old. I think we will need to invest in a splitter. To be prepared for winter. Or maybe, in these strange days, just pay someone. Everyone is looking for work here.
ClothWork just happens also.
You remember these from the other day? The explaining puzzles. The loose puzzles. That changed my path.
The green one, well you saw that one hanging on the porch yesterday. The other, just stitched to the center of the window puzzle, applique style, patchwork as applique.
Back trimmed away to keep it thin...
Yes that is a bit of Deb's cloth, wouldn't want to waste it anyway.
I also added a couple of rows of magic squares to the sides. So now it is square.
What a difference a day makes.
What I love here is how it has more depth, the center seems to be far away. I can look through and deep into.
I can leave this here now and stare through and into it for a while. Maybe name it.
It got chilly. 43 this morning. Mid June? Maybe time to do some robe work.