So. Here I am.
There are many reasons for this change. But not as many as there were for leaving. The biggest one was my inability to easily put media here, which has not changed.
And then what if confusion is a form of clarity?
I am here because I am confused. Became confused. I guess that is clear enough for now.
I left here awhile ago for technical reasons. I went here. Some of you may not have found me there.
The service that delivers these posts by email no longer accepts new subscribers. But it seems, at least for now, if you remained subscribed, you will continue to receive these posts by email. I cannot add anyone to the list at this point.
I will now continue, openly, blogging here. If you are subscribed at Feel Free, you will no longer be receiving updates for the blog. The story is here. I will resume links to blog updates on Facebook.
Some may not be able to comment. You might try changing browsers. It is what it will be.
Media will be difficult. A lot more work. Audio is my concern since I love to talk to you. I was out weeding the garden this morning. Knowing that old fashioned weeding is considered backbreaking work and there are so many ways we try to make it easier. But I said to myself...back breaking work is also back building work. So I will keep at it. Become stronger. Not lazier. Which is trending these days.
I will take a few days away. Gather myself. Selves.