Or dots, as I more lovingly refer to them.
I used to talk about dots a lot. Is the word circle a more adult, a more serious word?
The curve of this wood, just part of the circle. My mind completed the rest. Wood. To my son, wood is like what cloth is to me. I think of him. How this helps me know him. Trust him.
I didn't burn this piece. I save it for looking.
The cloth here, except for small scraps, is stored like this. Curled. It makes it seem quite human. Resting there.
![Earth Dots Earth Dots](https://spiritcloth.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c8bd453ef01bb09952af4970d-800wi)
The Earth Dot Cloth is a quiet cloth in the Sanity Series. Silk is more fluid. Harder to handle. Prints and seams shift and slide. Sometimes I baste it to something else to stabilize it. But here I wanted the silk to speak in this way. To be as it is as I stitch, yet still accommodate the sense of natural order that calms me.
There is not much continuity to my April. Maybe time will tell me why. Ha, really it doesn't matter. A big Jack Rabbit just hopped across the deck. No pictures,he was too fast.
Today, I really like this.