So the base, the available space to be filled, is about 6" wide by 20" long. In this case there is no reason for that, it is just how it happened. Sometimes, and perhaps more often, I impose a kind of personal math, that has to do with nine. But it didn't happen today
That top partial giant moon is a scrap leftover from something trimmed down. I like how that seeing part of it has changed the scale of things. The dotted moon is something I kept for myself from the shop, because it was still hanging around and I figured nobody was attracted to it. But I love it because the woven design reminds me of eyes and I will play with that a bit.
There is still room at the bottom, maybe for deeper snow or who knows.
I could fold up the bottom 2 " and make it 18.
I feel the same way about teaching as I do about making. How it goes has a lot to do with how I'm feeling. And what's on hand.
Not trying to impress anyone.
And trying to convey how good that feels.
The sun is out and it's really cold. It is kind of cumulative, the ground is colder and colder and it become harder and harder to maintain heat in the house. Unless you burn more fuel of course. We ration that, but it should be above freezing tomorrow. My finger tips are cold. Old fingers.
I'm looking at the long cloth, but working on this one today. Just Move(ing) to the Spirit, motivating myself to making changes in my habits. It's February, but it seems the same as yesterday.
So it's February.
My birth month.
A new beginning. In my mind.
I played around with my logo for Feel Free. Nine as a puzzle. I added numbers. For the 9 part "free enough" whispering series I hope to host this year. At least I think I can do one. February will be sign up month. I think I'll be able to open the studio in March. I will publish the details tomorrow in the Feel Free Newsletter. If you have subscribed and do not receive tomorrow's mail. Please contact me. No need to tell me if you did. Just to remind you, the Newsletter is used for convenience, to alert you about new activity. Links to the Newsletter issues are also in the left sidebar menu on the Feel Free site.