Posted on December 31, 2020 in considering/reconsidering, doodles and drawings (joodlehill), form, handwriting, journal, loose thoughts 2020, One-ness | Permalink | Comments (46)
It was a long noisy process but it went well. The large white oak was tall and had split into multiple trunks, maybe 5 or 6. They came with a bucket truck and wove in and out of the power lines, slowly snipping the branches, dropping them carefully until the danger was past. The tree had been most likely damaged by gypsy moths, I have been though that before. But the wood was mostly good, so maybe not that long ago. We might had left it standing had it not been so close to the wires and the house. They also cut a lot of the fallen trees here outside the kitchen window. More good wood and now clearing the way to the layered stone rimmed ridges that go back to the stone walls. There is real wild garden potential here. That cedar which was hardly visible before will be much happier. There is more air and light and open paths to walk.
I was talking about the lion quilt yesterday. Remembering how it came together. And then not so much why I made it but why it seems important and what it became and then what it has become.
I got interrupted yesterday, which has me on a side trip this morning. After Henrietta asked if I had the drawings of the lions. So I will just talk for a moment.
Link to audio if you see no player below.
And just now, rewriting history I guess, a new loose page, overwritten, to make it useful in the moment. Now motivated to tear up the past and use it to patch the present, make way for the future. Regenerate.
I will start with noting A Field of Color. As a start. As a Base. Considering A full Spectrum of them. I can use them to explain. And they can be used as blankets for little people. Ok. Which color should I begin with. Green?
Posted on May 19, 2020 in color, considering/reconsidering, documenting old work, how it might happen, HUNKER DOWN, journal, Large Cloth 2020, lion quilt, loose thoughts 2020, patchwork(mostly in perspective), quilt stories, scraps of self, spectrum-rainbow revisited, the real journal project- loose pages, transformation | Permalink | Comments (43)
Posted on April 13, 2020 in crossover, HUNKER DOWN, journal, loose thoughts 2020 | Permalink | Comments (79)
Just because it was folded and sitting across the page and a labored beginning.
I just put this here tonight because it happened and it's in the journal and that is what I am doing. Putting it here. It is not necessarily a plan. But I always consider anything that happens.
Tomorrow, (finally I think I am working into my evening schedule...) I will talk a bit about the different general approaches I use to build a big cloth. Technically speaking.
(that's Deb's Dirty Thread)
Posted on April 06, 2020 in doodles and drawings (joodlehill), dream/thought catching, hearts, HUNKER DOWN, journal, Large Cloth 2020, loose thoughts 2020, vibrating outward | Permalink | Comments (39)
Things are not the same are they?
I dislike how I seem to be running around preparing for what I cannot know. Even though that is really how it always is. Because these days it seems the day is full with nothing to show for it. But then, I step back and say ..."well I am still here, isn't that enough?"
The porch. With a bit of extra light to simplify it. The wind kicked up the rug a bit. Mom's rocker (it was her Birthday yesterday). I miss her. She would love the porch. Her Mom's rocker actually. As I age, some say I look like "nanny".
And Beginning just to go and have something to show for it. Even if it is evidence of the struggle.
Just let it be said. Put it in Perspective.
Link to Audio if you see no player.
Starting tomorrow, I think I will be posting late at night, so probably you will still see something each morning.
Posted on April 03, 2020 in HUNKER DOWN, journal, Large Cloth 2020, scale, thought catching 2020 | Permalink | Comments (77)
How thoughts flow differently now.
For the most part, my journal has alway been a way to catch thoughts. On paper.
Catch them to develop later. Mostly in cloth.
These days, though, I catch my thoughts directly in cloth. I am able to just go. I think it is the nature of the medium. It captures the sense of what I feel so easily. It became a language. After all this time, it did.
I said to myself OH! What if ? this is the way it can happen.
This is what it has become.
Yes. This is something.
Note to self: Not backwards. A circle.
Posted on November 18, 2015 in crossover, doodles and drawings (joodlehill), how it might happen, journal, notes to self, on paper, the real journal project- loose pages, visual journal, what if | Permalink | Comments (32)
Sometimes. When I light an early fire in the studio, the first smoke from damp wood fills the nearby forest with blue light before disappearing.
This morning I caught that.
The blueness , moving freely filled me with a sense of story. Mystery.
And then,I played around with those dyed corners. Again.
So yesterday's nine appeared as today's and nine ended up to have something to do with letting things go.
Nine for That Which Moves Through Me and Keeps Going.
Posted on October 27, 2015 in 9(forever), alignment, Becoming more or less, Cloth is like self, components aka loose patches, corners, dyeing, flow, how it might happen, impressions, indigo-Spirit Cloth Blues, journal, naming things, nine lives patch, notes to self, patchwork(mostly in perspective), scraps of self, sympathetic (sempathetic) evolution, through, transformation | Permalink | Comments (44)
So here I am.
Suddenly without a camera.
But wait. The phone! Not one of those new fangled iphones, mind you, but good enough. And some photos already taken. And some digital tools. OK.
NOTE TO SELF: Find a way. There are so many.
Some loose pieces hanging around, and then put together. A while back. Colored moons. The nine for a change of direction, and corners, some of which resulted from me asking myself, how about 2 corners? And then. This.
I swear, just that. And then, obviously, after a bit of looking....
I think the stray in me wants to come out. Or maybe my heart has simply just lightened for good. Possibly.
Anyway, a bit of Corner Storming. STORMING, a word that will turn green for going soon. But for now, something from the VISUAL JOURNAL.
I will probably spend the weekend backtracking a bit to catch up with the patchwork thing. And solving the camera issue. Also initiating a format for the Visual Journal. I plan to open Patchwork beasts as well, for free, because it is fun and my heart is light. It is an old class and I want to revamp it a bit. So Hey Ho and see you Monday.
PS. Thanks to all of you have contributed to the effort. I tried to send thank yous in response to PayPal donations, but many folks have different emails associated with their account and do not receive my notes. I know. So know your support has helped me continue in a bigger way. Love.
PPS. My posts are likely to have media in them going forward. Please note that links open in a separate windows so you can follow without necessarily cutting off the audio. This includes enlarging pictures when available. Just keep track of the open windows in your browser bar.
Posted on October 16, 2015 in alignment, components aka loose patches, corners, doodles and drawings (joodlehill), faces, Feel Free, grateful, journal, moons, nine lives patch, on paper, patchwork(mostly in perspective), points and protrusions, problem solving, stray cat/self series, the beast-spirit | Permalink | Comments (35)
The Blanket is a new symbol I have been considering. And today a sketch. Layered over a photo of the snow outside. Still the grass pokes through.
I am also using my new chair (mentioned in this post). A new old paper self is awakening. It's raining now. It's rather gross weather. And I , quite honestly, am in a crappy mood.
Posted on January 12, 2015 in Becoming more or less, doodles and drawings (joodlehill), journal, layers, on paper, seeing through things, symbols, winter | Permalink | Comments (27)
If the path before you is clear,
you are probably on
someone else's.
-Carl Jung