She Becomes.
She, being story, when you step back.
I often fill in around a design. To mend it. Using the original base as a kind of foundation. Not always covering it completely but sometimes that too. My work often vibrates outward, from a center. As a building method. Not always apparent when looking at the final piece. Because each moment is a center, as that happens.
I used a butterfly patch here, another dyed component. More about that symbol later...
I wanted to mention the sympathy factor here, as it relates to the evolution of form that the piece takes. And the term Sympathetic Evolution that I began using way back while trying to explain to myself how it might happen, what I do . It's about not having a plan, or the judgement about what's best. Or fit. Or permanent. But it is more about a sensitivity system for becoming. Not necessarily logical or rule bound. The evolution part is simply the focus on gradual development of what I am working on. Process. The sympathy part is really focused on compassionate placement or choice of elements. And how one thing touches another in the moment. Intention simply becomes a cleaner energy. Which makes the change in form tied more to the immediate personal love of how it might happen, how one thing touches another, than to any theory of change or presentation. Which, makes it into new form in my eyes. And magic in terms of how things might appear. Which always amazes me. As does how they might just disappear. Poof.
Building form through compassionate change and sharing it. Makes art into a form of kindness.
Was that cryptic? I hope not. Today this is the best I can do. One of my goals was to communicate something through cloth-making. I hoped I could. Use it for that. Since my human connection skills were never good. So you see all of this searching for explanation is as much for me as it is for you. Thank you for the opportunity.
The roof materials were just delivered by forklift. They are loud just sitting there.