Posted on February 16, 2022 in Cloth is like a world, cloth weaving, light and dark, moons | Permalink
Yesterday. There she was.
The pond with no name. Miss Pond I have been calling her. I don't know her well enough yet. We can only see her when the leaves have fallen and the light reflects in the morning.
What is it about Winter's light?
There was a lot of considering.
Yesterday's self developed In Sympathy with a Winter's Sun. Thinking, the triangle at the bottom...a mountain...might be a new symbol. The a challenge. She rises above it like a winter's sun rises above a cold hard truth. And these, the thoughts today, of vibrating outward, being a source of warmth, which in itself might encourage growth, growth itself being a form of the same, reaching out, and then, how enlightenment grows from darkness, and how you can never have too many eyes. Suddenly the mountain here became a kind of negative space, like poof, it's not a mountain at all and there are new eyes and suddenly she can see she has simply grown sky legs. Did the Winter Sun just whisper, yes, be lighter?
She is not done.
There were family gatherings but we were not part of them. I had thought of Pizza but there was light fasting and gratefulness and a bit of winter garden prep, a roaring fire and good sleep.
Today it is raining, soon to turn bitterly cold with a chance of snow. I hope so. Winter Sun on snow brings great light-ness.
Posted on November 26, 2021 in alignment, considering/reconsidering, dream/thought catching, grateful, light and dark, reflection, season/change, Soul-o, stray cat/self series, suns, symbols, sympathetic (sempathetic) evolution, through, vibrating outward | Permalink | Comments (23)
Good Morning. Today I am up before dawn. My favorite thing. I was sliding toward later sleeping because of sleeping issues.
It seems that is behind me, at least for now. My knees are better, arthritis relief has come with a change in diet and more exercise. Spending less time online has calmed my nerves. And I am back to the schedule that comforts me. Early to bed, early to rise...I love the magic quiet time when dark becomes light. My day is always better for having the experience. It makes the new day into some sort of ceremony. Before the coffee.
Posted on October 06, 2021 in ceremony, life, light and dark | Permalink | Comments (30)
To begin with something. To make peace with it.
There is a the physical thing. The need for it to feel right, and to hold together, at least long enough to reconsider. Letting it, helping it BE.
There is also the thought behind it. I always hope that might become a tool and not a weapon.
I make changes, often based on softening my original vision. Even though I was often taught the opposite. In this case my thought has softened as well, and this one has become more about that. How dark and light might lean into each other. Which is really quite a concept if you think about it. I remember how weaving taught me so much about that. Softening. The new form in that. Anyway, I am rambling today because that is how things come together.
Posted on September 16, 2021 in alignment, Becoming more or less, clarity (now known as blur-ity), Cloth is like self, considering/reconsidering, design mending, dream/thought catching, form, in between, light and dark, One-ness, self portrait, stray cat/self series, sympathetic (sempathetic) evolution, transformation, transition | Permalink | Comments (30)
Yesterday I couldn't post here.
But I remembered some Free Selves I have in a box somewhere. Couldn't find them so I made one to remind myself to keep looking. Some of Deb's cloth here. But you probably know that, it has such character.
I let her wander from here to there, held her, carried her for a while and then placed her in a way to illustrate how sometimes we may seem free but we all might be held, at the same time, even trapped by some kind of personal darkness. Just a thought caught. Just a way to look at that thought while wondering why people are so confusing to me. To each other. How blind spots form.
Today, I woke up covered in Poison Oak. It's been a long time and it ain't pretty. An itch that might prevent even thinking for a few days. I'm exhausted anyway. But then sleep might not come too easily either.
Posted on September 14, 2021 in clarity (now known as blur-ity), Cloth is like self, context/frames of mind, identity, light and dark, place, self discovery, stray cat/self series | Permalink | Comments (34)
Posted on November 04, 2020 in eyes, light and dark, looking, old sky, Soul-o, windows | Permalink | Comments (27)
As in shedding light on, not making light of...
audio link if you see no player above
You might need to click twice to see.
Or just imagine.
As mentioned I've been also darkening some cloth.
...the link to a class post about that.
Lightening and Darkening, again considering the magic in that.
Posted on October 06, 2020 in color, context/frames of mind, dream/thought catching, edges, form, illustration, light and dark, magic, stories, tell the children the truth | Permalink | Comments (35)
Sky Light. I almost got used to Just this kind of light.
A tornado nearby, heard it but we only lost 3 trees in the forest. Poles and wires snapped all around us.
The power is back now, but not me really.
There was a lot of rain. The deer are circling but not eating. The garden is regenerating.
There wasn't much to do except stitch. Glad I don't need a sewing machine. No power means no water when you have a well. I will spare you the toilet details. We will need a back-up generator here.
Lots of mail in my inbox, sorry I could not answer, so thank you in advance, I will probably leave it at that. Typing on my phone, well, nope. Not today.
So there was quilting, no plan, just quilting. I keep pinning things over the center of this one. It works well for small cloth viewing. My computer was damaged in the power surge when it came back on, meant to unplug it. I am posting with my phone which is not fun at all. I started this morning. Typepad's mobile app is not fun, nope. But I will NOT buy another computer. Done with that. Done with so many things. I should make a list. A list is like long cloth, a story and a path to another.
Posting on Instagram this week, easier than this for now.
Some roof repair to attend to.
I am not in a great mood today, but anyway, Hey.
Posted on August 10, 2020 in garden, light and dark, weathering the storm | Permalink | Comments (59)
Things are things.
I could not be here until today. There was a fiber optic break in the area, no internet.
Then Big Storms. More rain than I ever imagined. Lightning. Thunder. Heat. Humidity.
Then the power went down. Other stuff. Typepad. Water in the basement. Things.
Today, new things.
I took my own teaching to heart. In spare moments, catching up on the pairings that I put together since I began them a while ago. After the death of George Floyd. Forty Three is the name of this cloth now. After sewing half naked on the porch feeling blue. Today's Pairing will make it 44.
And I picked this one up. In the Thick of It. Worked on developing a broader vision. Added fringe for continuing.
Still stormy and steamy here. Still technology issues. Still blue and wondering if it is because I keep trying to keep things the same. I think I am fighting with what needs to be. I have many thoughts but I think I will just go make some coffee. With ice.
Still Wednesdays folks, Summer Hours, some Instagram in between.
Posted on July 09, 2020 in continuing aka Just Going, Large Cloth 2020, light and dark, patchwork(mostly in perspective), Patience/Eventually, problem solving | Permalink | Comments (70)
Not just black and white, but light and dark. The magic in contrast.
If you squint your eyes, less colorful.
I changed up a few pairs with 2 that I had leftover from something else. I remember talking about this concept way back, but hell, if I could remember where it was... does it matter? It stays with me. And it softens contrast while holding the pattern. It rocks between appearing and disappearing. It is so true.
So today I call this 12. For the 12 Pairings. Until tonight when it will become 13. I was going to save up a bunch of pairs over time and then sew them together in blocks but I decided I like the way it unfolds day by day. Of course I might just shift the placement now and then. A ripple in time. This cloth will become big, behind the scene. I will show it now and then. Simple and not much more to say , except 2 1/2" squares, until it needs a backing.
We are painting the dark brown wall on the porch white, to reflect more light.
And the Dye Po(e)t is waiting.
I can just look at it for a while. Probably till fall. I think I will try to build some sort of outdoor fire pit. There is no wood-stove yet, just that shitty fireplace insert and a not so functional chimney. Getting some estimates. If it costs too much we will just use the heat. It's ok. Maybe give the wood away to someone who needs it. Finish some blankets...maybe wait till next year.
I think it's time to review where I am on large cloth making.
See ya Wednesday. Have a good holiday if that's your thing, but really not sure why anyone is celebrating America at the moment. Yup, that's what I'm thinking.
Posted on July 02, 2020 in design mending, Large Cloth 2020, light and dark, Pair-ings, patchwork(mostly in perspective), Patience/Eventually | Permalink | Comments (35)
If the path before you is clear,
you are probably on
someone else's.
-Carl Jung