There is not much color here yet.
But it is October. Again.
This is the first day in the last few days that there might be some time to think. Deeply.
Magic cloth 2 needed air. And later,maybe some sea.
I looked hard at this cloth at sunrise. I don't like it as it is. Which is important to admit, in order to continue. It has rested for a long time. And I am different now. Moving more in the direction of simpler times if I can manage it.
I removed a few bits from the edges. So I might reconsider its edge, it's size, and it's form. It's old form is already part of the story in me. The "thing", the static "thing" loses value for me in each new minute I live through. This is good I say to myself, for that's not what I'm after. I want to know the elusive. And be comfortable with that. The Year I Became Old has Long Past. The Years of the Thing have worn me thin. I hope this coming year will be the Year I Became Comfortable with the Elusive.