Yes. I have settled back in here.
Leaving Feel Free as a reference for this place. Just a place to organize stuff so it can help me, keep me from losing my way. I will leave it there, simplify it's appearance a bit. And you don't need to worry about it at all. There will be pointers if needed.
Heal. Quilting. Slowly. I am sure it will end up as a gift somewhere down the line. Not an art thing, a blanket.
And , well, what do you know, I mustered up enough spirit to push me forward. A video, just to test my ability to keep at it. There was coding, the man is a teacher too. And I put it here the way it should be, if you watch it from the blog, with my own videos at the end. The audio is a bit weird but one thing at a time, Yay!
Here is a link if you see no player because it happens if the post comes by email.
A reminder to email subscribers, since some inquired, if you click the title of the post and read it on the blog itself, you can see comments, make comments and see other content, like video etc.