Pear. Pears. A Pair of Pears. At woods edge.
A Pair is a positive thing. In my mind. In any form. Because it represents the birth of a pattern. And pattern is a form of natural order. And natural order takes a while to play out.
I keep making these. Pairs. Pair-ings.
Pare. Trim. Pared down, putting patchwork into the simplest perspective. 2 pieces. Connection. The beginning of bigger. But this simple balanced component, that moved away from the ones, then threes I usually work with, takes me away from 9.
Why am I saying this? Because I notice it. Perhaps as an evolution on form and the sense of a change in center. A new balance.
And then. Just one pair a day. How hard is that? One small connection. Maybe not just black and white, just dark and light. Like night and day. Maybe just a record. A way to document, use what is here. 12 days:Surely it might be a blanket by winter. Or next winter. A nest of days.
So piecing. It just goes like that. Small Cloth+ Just Going. I don't work Fast. Just Steady. Even if it can be 10 minutes a day. I don't do it to prove anything. It is simply reassuring. Piece-making. I know it will grow. I will name it for how many days I keep at it. And enjoy using it.
The other one, on the basement wall. I am going to dye it before continuing. Reduce its harshness.