Posted on December 16, 2021 in blanket-human wrapping cloth, Cloth as shelter, quilting, the other side, wordless | Permalink
Yes. I have settled back in here.
Leaving Feel Free as a reference for this place. Just a place to organize stuff so it can help me, keep me from losing my way. I will leave it there, simplify it's appearance a bit. And you don't need to worry about it at all. There will be pointers if needed.
Heal. Quilting. Slowly. I am sure it will end up as a gift somewhere down the line. Not an art thing, a blanket.
And , well, what do you know, I mustered up enough spirit to push me forward. A video, just to test my ability to keep at it. There was coding, the man is a teacher too. And I put it here the way it should be, if you watch it from the blog, with my own videos at the end. The audio is a bit weird but one thing at a time, Yay!
Here is a link if you see no player because it happens if the post comes by email.
A reminder to email subscribers, since some inquired, if you click the title of the post and read it on the blog itself, you can see comments, make comments and see other content, like video etc.
Posted on September 04, 2021 in blanket-human wrapping cloth, continuing aka Just Going, needle chanting, quilting, stitching, video | Permalink | Comments (33)
Posted on November 23, 2020 in context/frames of mind, Holding Pattern, home, Large Cloth 2020, quilt stories, quilting, what if | Permalink | Comments (7)
Holding Pattern. All quilted except for the border.
In looking at it on the wall, I realize the edge is a bigger part of the whole than I had a sense of. This is something worth considering. How we perceive edge. And then...will I complete this gift by year's end? Maybe it doesn't matter.
84" square-ish. Big.
The stitching is intense. Rows, close together. Rippling. Feels good. A little video over on Instagram because, honestly. it's easier. I seem to need a bit of easier lately.
I rescued a little roof moss that fell to the deck. I made a tiny terrarium. To hold green.
We've been maneuvering through big wind , power glitches and tornado watches. Now just cold. And then of course, the virus has returned to the area in a big way.
Posted on November 17, 2020 in edges, Holding Pattern, Large Cloth 2020, patchwork(mostly in perspective), quilting, scale, the sense-feel | Permalink | Comments (30)
New Roots.
At sunrise. Roots always seem ancient to me. But they are also a symbol of continuing. And newness then, a way to hold in the going. I was glad to see these this morning. The year has been so destabilizing. And these new roots make me feel like I am more at home.
I just kept stitching. This morning I sense a sea of stitch has formed. I am resting, floating in it.
Honestly I feel more puzzled than ever. Stitch is simple and I can understand it.
Out walking. Still learning the land.
This might be a favorite place. Old Earth is such a Timekeeper. A Story Teller. A story cloth I may well rest beneath one day... I made a new category, Old Earth. The Earth seems older here.
Posted on November 09, 2020 in blanket-human wrapping cloth, Cloth as shelter, continuing aka Just Going, Holding Pattern, home, how it might happen, Large Cloth 2020, natural order, Old Earth, old sea, place, quilting, season/change, stones, timekeepers, walking | Permalink | Comments (39)
But there are stitches.
They can be like words. Let them be that.
Posted on November 01, 2020 in Holding Pattern, Large Cloth 2020, quilting, stitching, words/writing | Permalink | Comments (22)
The Man spent some time untangling this puppet that made the journey here in a box with a lot of stray stuff. It was a time consuming effort. But now in working order.
It was so appropriate for these times really. As I ended up making a note to myself:
I've worked myself to the edge of the pieced area on one side of Holding Pattern. Working slow and steady, an hour in the morning with coffee, and hour in the evening before sunset. Up to here there are seam lines, blocks of space to help me not only keep track of progress but also provide a frame of reference. I am thinking I will have to continue soon, not knowing where I am.
Posted on October 28, 2020 in alignment, considering/reconsidering, context/frames of mind, edges, Holding Pattern, Large Cloth 2020, loose thoughts 2020, measuring, notes to self, quilting, seams | Permalink | Comments (34)
I altered these photos with a filter to make them look worn. I put a few pieces together on the wall. The ones within reach. When I do this, it is an exercise in probability. They will probably fit together. That is my Seeing theory... if I remain true to my vision. And then, you know, even if they are "new" they always seem like something ancient when they are put together as one. The filter was used to emphasize that. They are just pinned over the cloth I call A DEEP Pool of Thought.
Last night I unfolded Holding Pattern. I am holding and will be holding this one now. It is a gift for My Son and The Woman, and I want to finish it before the end of the year. I have been working on it for so long, it is an old cloth.
So now, just quilting, while I wait for a new computer.
The time it takes.
Posted on October 22, 2020 in alignment, components aka loose patches, gift giving, Holding Pattern, how it might happen, Large Cloth 2020, looking, One-ness, patchwork(mostly in perspective), quilt stories, quilting, remembering, sympathetic (sempathetic) evolution | Permalink | Comments (21)
I have been just quilting. Not saying a lot, but thinking.
I have taken many quiet stitches, slowly, and hope to talk about that more tomorrow.
Sometimes you just decide, and I decided to just go and finish this by the end of September. Let it fit within this time. Funny thing is, the cloths here are never really finished. I don't know what made me want to say that. I think I just need to draw a line. Everything seems so fuzzy.
We made it to a "sea" a few days ago. Found the Hudson. Not too far from here. A quiet spot. It made me feel more whole.
Hello Hudson River then. I took a few of those stitches here as well.
Posted on September 10, 2020 in continuing aka Just Going, Large Cloth 2020, old sea, quilting | Permalink | Comments (35)
When what you have imagined, begins to take form...
You can rest for a while before continuing.
Posted on August 26, 2020 in Cloth is like self, continuing aka Just Going, dream/thought catching, form, in between, Large Cloth 2020, quilt stories, quilting, stitching, thought catching 2020, through | Permalink
If the path before you is clear,
you are probably on
someone else's.
-Carl Jung