Field. Many definitions, but for me a space defined, chosen, within all other spaces that might act as a guide for focus. As in field of vision I suppose. And then and course, a place for wild open growth and play. An open field. Like Feeling Free. I play with the circle a lot, but not always. As I look at the quilts I have made, these shaped overlays, fields of focus, are fairly constant. Sometimes they happen at the beginning. As a base. Sometimes they are a tool to bring things together at a later stage. They are a layer of thought. Sometimes there are so many I forget. But they can often be used to explain how one thing might become another.
Still with the circle this morning, I tried more than one. And the overlap (another kind of alignment) seemed an eye opener.
This piece that was hanging on the porch back here. Working with that, what-iffing, not on Wednesday, but hey. Again stitched over pen lines. Inspiring radical change on this cloth and also a larger application for a big cloth in the back of my mind.
Digital musings for cloth and maybe paper. And imaginings, not yet recorded from the well of memory unspoken.
And then, as I turn to press publish on this post, I see this. On the top of the patch basket.
From Glennis. And I think of overlap as form of Kindness. Friendship, Sharing. Sharing will bring new form. Maybe the simple beauty in this drove deep into my heart a while back and although I forgot, I actually remembered. Time is magic.
I am grateful, in these difficult times, that we still might find time and ways to share and be kind. Let's focus on that. If we all do it, we will all be OK.