4 more inches of snow.
There was a 4 hour wait, in the hospital.
Kindly, they gave me a private place to wait. I considered limitation. I tried to make a recording but the double mask was limiting.
All went well and it is just a matter of time. And stuff to do. My dental pain has gone which makes it all seem smaller.
No time for talking but I did come away with limitation is the cornerstone of form.
I also spent a moment thinking about the difference between a Doodle and a Drawing. I call the difference a Joodle. But that is mighty personal as a word. I'll get to it.
Today I will attempt to switch my email service for blog posts. I do not know what will happen. I will attempt to migrate the mailing list. We will see. You may have to subscribe again if you stop getting my posts. All I can say is whatever.
I will be going forward with the final part of Patchwork in Perspective. Everything in Perspective. All I can say again is whatever. Soon enough.
The last few months have been filled with so much sad news. At least a new season is around the corner.
Posted on January 13, 2022 in continuing aka Just Going, doodles and drawings (joodlehill), dream/thought catching, form, handwriting, life, season/change, the real journal project- loose pages | Permalink | Comments (28)
Posted on December 31, 2021 in clarity (now known as blur-ity), continuing aka Just Going, identity, season/change | Permalink | Comments (58)
...as my mind wanders in December
There were just quiet stitches yesterday, the snow globe effect always surfaces in winter. And there is drawing now as I reconsider line on cloth. I can go there now by breaking my own preconceptions about what clothwork is.
Now that posts here are not being delivered by email in any timely manner and I expect, soon, not at all, I tend to post more slowly, saving and adding over more time, like a diary, letting my thought drift through time. Feels freer actually. The no hurry to finish a post.
I am winding down for the year. I suppose I will hibernate for a bit soon. Although it will be back up into the 60s by tomorrow. Time to redefine season I think.
I will try to talk about this small cloth tomorrow.
Posted on December 10, 2021 in Becoming more or less, dots and circles, dream/thought catching, filling space, flow, identity, season/change, stitching, stray cat/self series, winter | Permalink | Comments (20)
Before Coffee...
A mood swing, I am typing!
As Dad used to say, weather coming...
Dad was a seaman.
He, Soul-o, watches me make coffee. And then we go outside to dump the compost and get some firewood. He loves it when it's still a bit dark. He is a little bit like a dog lately.
This one, which I renamed On The Edge of Season not so long ago, has been on the edge of many seasons. It's under the needle again for Solstice. I thought I might let it go this time, but my thoughts today are...I can just let this one grow with each season, let it be as endless as I can manage.
I have reopened Feel Free. I had considered not doing that. But it is part of me now. Like this place, it has it's usefulness. And annoyances. The email feed here is just awful. It interrupts conversation and flow. Loading media is a nightmare. Commenting on and off. But I still want the day to day to be here. I did a post over there yesterday, and then another less messy one this morning...just to say I am back to documenting process. And for those who cannot seem to get my posts delivered from here, I will put links in newsletter posts over there. I know it sounds overly complex but how ever it works for you, let's just not worry about it. I am blogging here with process links to there. I am cataloging process there with links to day to day here. I will be just going. Just pick your portal.
I zoomed in but it was not clear. I think it was an owl.
Posted on December 05, 2021 in a little holiday cloth, considering/reconsidering, continuing aka Just Going, Feel Free, news, season/change | Permalink | Comments (33)
Not officially, but for me it is winter.
This catmint which I started in the deck planter, well I just never transplanted it. It grew large and Soul-o often jumped up and napped in the damp compost beneath it.
Part of the plant has turned, part of it still thrives, even through all the cold. I guess I am like that in a way, but then mostly it's my roots that remain intact. The parts you can see, well, not so much. If it makes it through the winter in the planter, I will move it to the wood's edge in spring.
I did a bit more work here. Most of the stitching though, not visible. I am also calling it Good Vibrations, this cloth that evolved In Sympathy with a Winter's Sun. I like how the dense stitch is concentrated in one area and the rest remains plain patching. And how the cloud cloth made the challenge that gave her sky legs just a little more confusing.
Maybe I will work on the eyes a bit more, lighten them up a bit. Maybe not.
Posted on December 01, 2021 in naming things, season/change, stray cat/self series | Permalink | Comments (27)
The big cold wind erased all traces of Autumn.
Everything seems to rest comfortably...
...In this cloth I call The Nest of Days. It is a basket.
With thoughts (often questions) now, of revisiting Magic Diaries , here, openly (one of my older online making series), I am somehow revisiting an older self. Wondering if I can, will it make me feel sad? Will it make me feel a longing for simpler times? Or is it the same and only a mindset? A frame of mind.
It is really cold outside. Really and metaphorically speaking. But some Inner Warmth remains and I am reassured. Like leaves, some things just need to fall away.
Posted on November 27, 2021 in Basket Diaries, Cloth as shelter, Cloth is like self, context/frames of mind, documenting old work, dream/thought catching, large cloth, looking, natural order, questions, remembering, season/change, Soul-o, the magic cloth, the magic diaries | Permalink | Comments (42)
If the path before you is clear,
you are probably on
someone else's.
-Carl Jung