Good Morning, before the News.
It's still too cold, but I am planning to be outside as much as possible as soon as the weather warms.
I will move a table into the corner. I could use the one that is there, but I think I would like to create a dedicated space since I have too much furniture in that small bedroom anyway (the one with the window that's to high to look out of). One less table will make it seem LARGER. Space can give a sense of Big.
And the man is itching to sit outside as well.
So I have put 2 links in the top menu bar on the blog. One to my Instagram because I do post random things there once in a while. And a link to photos tagged #ragmates2020. A lot of you use Instagram and this is a good easy way for us all to check in to what has been posted there. Use that tag if you would like to share this way. As far as Facebook, I use it to keep in touch with far away friends and links to blog posts are automatically published there, like alerts. But if you are subscribed here, which I suggest, that's good enough.
Now I will wander off and do some brain storming/thought catching which is how I begin. Big Storming, I will call it that. All day, considering Big, the word big, the concept of big, which has begun with Not as Small.
Welcome to my process, it is not always a straight line.