I like to curl up like this.
And then s t r e t c h out.
It's good exercise.
These ribbons of feathers will act as ties for the large cloth we call Home. And then who knows? I've enjoyed this final process. Making strings of feathers. Dreaming into them. Imagining them as representing the PieceMakers, hand to hand, reaching from here to there. Standing for hope and kindness. Ties that bind. Strong and useful. And then light as dreams. Blowing in the wind.
I have spoken to Wendy. I will send the cloth on Solstice. She will wait for it. Welcome it. It was a warm talk, this one. Filled with knowing each other better. She brings out the love in me which sometimes gets clouded by all the crap that makes up a life.
But I guess that is just what she is good at.
Her gift.
I've been working hard to pull the story of this cloth together in some cohesive way. No small task, this was one big journey. Tangled up in a life.
You can read more about Wendy's work
in the sidebar under HEAL.