I am just trying to get Through a few things at the moment. All the while, pinning a few things here, stitching a few things there. And today getting out of the grey for a while. Focusing on Through, understanding it as some sort of multi layered going. A biggere sense of Continuing. More integrated. Something like weaving.
Fringe has always been an important component for me. Over the years it evolved into my personal symbol for continuing. And there is a lot to say about that. Probably it will result in a whole lot of What-iffing. I think I will even be Whispering Fringe. Which I can't get to at the moment because a lot of things are moving through me . And vice versa.
This wrapped fringe is from a strap I wove for a hand woven bag in 1971 ( I think) . There used to be feathers on the ends, but they have disappeared. It needs a bit of repair but it reaches way back. Which adds to its symbolism. How it started out as a thread unnoticed and moved through my life.
After 6 grey days, the sun came out.
My brother will be here , all the way form Idaho, for a few days. Actually, the whole family will be gathered around Mom, who hasn't been feeling too well. She is getting old. We will move through a few days days together, and I will be back later.
(this piece continued from here)