This winter seems the coldest I remember, maybe because we chose to face the cold in a more head on way. Knowing its presence with every choice made in a day. These icicles on the roof actually changed direction in the wind. I like to look at them, trying to catch the slowness in that. Slow Flow. The sympathetic evolution of the form. Still icicle, but new. And knowing only for the moment...
There is a snow line that forms a horizon like ring around the Wind Robe. I found it last year right around the time that mom became really ill. The icicles formed here and there. I remember a lot of meltdown then as well. I've been working to secure some of the meeting points near by. Some left over wishing stars hold tender places. At least for now. White can be cold and warm I think. I am letting my mind wander today. Back and forth.
House guests are gone. I am caught up in a week past filled with questions about people. How do they get all twisted up? And how nature's answer to that might simply be season. How we might embrace the beauty in that. It might soften hardened opinions and frozen hearts.
I look forward to this spring like no other.
This room we are heating seems much bigger today.
And we are three again. Just going.